eco  Eco Antique-Boutique Hotel

Tourist Attractions Northern Greece

Boutique Hotel Characteristics

tourist attractions


In the beginnings of the 1980s the first Boutique Hotels appeared in America and England. The term seems to appear mainly in London, New York and San Francisco. From that point on the term appeared throughout the world. Boutique Hotels are usually small hotels with a few rooms, with hotel owners that emphasize quality and not quantity. Rooms and a central area that are different, this could be part of what makes a boutique hotel. The aim of a boutique hotel is a personal touch and service, something that you cannot find is a large unfriendly hotel. In most boutique hotels that staff know the customer and address them with their first name to make them feel comfortable and at home. A personal touch in the kitchen is also granted in a hotel like this. The customers feel at home. The owner concentrates on quality and not quantity. The small size allows the guest to quickly acquaint themselves with the environment around them and to feel the warmth and friendliness of the guesthouse. For this reason, Boutique hotels are preferred by people who travel a lot and need to feel at home even when they’re far away from home.  This is where the name boutique hotel comes from and what makes the guest return time and time again or makes them recommend the hotel to a friend.


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